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WARM SWEATER DAY 2018 – 20%off Knit Kit ANNA & ANNI

Van Beren Warm Sweater Day

Everyone can contribute to a better climate. One thing you can do is to turn the heating down in your room and wear a warmer sweater!

The main aim of the day is to make us aware of how we can save energy. One easy way is to turn the heating down, which really benefits the environment.

So, don’t forget to dig your warmest sweater out of the wardrobe on 2 February! You can contribute to reducing CO2 emissions in other ways too, and help the environment at the same time.

And….you can also knit a warm sweater for next years WSD!

From 1st to 4th of February you get 20%off Knit Kit ANNA and Knit Kit ANNI with the code WSD18

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