In What`s new/ Wool School

Pinestripe Pattern

knit pattern, Pinestripe pattern, Wool School, Happy Knitting

How to knit the Pinestripe Pattern?

This knit pattern is easy and ideal for advanced beginners. It looks complicated but it is not! We use ist for baby knit romper SUNNY and the matching baby knit bonnet SUNNY.

Row 1: P 2, Slip 1 knit-wise (thread in back)
Row 2: K 2, Slip 1 purl-wise (thread in front)
Row 3: P 2, Slip 1 knit-wise (thread in back)
Row 4: Knit all sts (incl. slipped ones)


Learn how to knit — Just give it try!
No matter where you are — at your favorite café place or in enjoying the outdoors — slow down and take your time to knit for yourselves and for your loved ones! Both, your friends and a more sustainable world will appreciate your deeds!
All you need is a skein of wool, knitting needles, instructions and passion to work with your hands. Let’s be honest there is always time for crafting: be it to relax after a long day or simply to immerse into the moment of knitting. HAPPY KNITTING!
We are going to teach you how to knit step by step.
We work with simple instructions and patterns since nothing is more painful than dull theory. What we want is success and results. Let’s think of learning a new instrument. The moment you enjoy playing is when you know who to read the tunes!


Learn how to knit — Just give it try!
No matter where you are — at your favorite café place or in enjoying the outdoors — slow down and take your time to knit for yourselves and for your loved ones! Both, your friends and a more sustainable world will appreciate your deeds!
All you need is a skein of wool, knitting needles, instructions and passion to work with your hands. Let’s be honest there is always time for crafting: be it to relax after a long day or simply to immerse into the moment of knitting. HAPPY KNITTING!
We are going to teach you how to knit step by step.
We work with simple instructions and patterns since nothing is more painful than dull theory. What we want is success and results. Let’s think of learning a new instrument. The moment you enjoy playing is when you know who to read the tunes!

Tired of knitting alone?

Join our Van Beren WOOL SCHOOL and learn how to knit!

Our WOOL SCHOOL brings like minded folks and knitting enthusiasts together to work on their expertise in a team. Take your kids with you — the more the merrier!
Van Beren HAPPY KNITTING Events are organized by selected hosts.

To sign up for a HAPPY KNITTING Event or to host your own event contact: WOOLSCHOOL@VANBEREN.COM
All you need is your Van Beren knit kit of choice and you are ready to rock your project. HAPPY KNITTING Events welcome knitting enthusiasts at all levels. Your Van Beren host supports you with your project no matter how advanced you are.

Van Beren HAPPY KNITTING Events:

1# Graz 19.11.2017 15:00 – 18:00 at Mehlspeisenfräulein – we hat a lot of fun!

2# Graz Spring 2018

3# Vienna Spring 2018

Share your best knitting moments and show us your projects on Instagram! Don’t forget to tag us!

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