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handmade in Austria, organic cotton yarn, eco consciouis clothes, baby present, baby shower, baby belly party, hand knitted, fairfashion, heirloom, VAN BEREN

Those ears were so delicious,
Maybe I’ll have just one more bite.
And then I’ll save the rest of you
For later on tonight.

Guess I got a little carried away,
I’ve eaten you down to your tummy.
It’s not my fault I can’t resist
Because you are so yummy.

It seems a shame to put what’s left
Back in that festive box.
I’ll just finish you – wait, what’s that I feel?
My belly’s having aftershocks!

I should have listened to my mom.
She warned me what would happen.
If I had listened to her my stomach
Wouldn’t be growling and snapping.

***We wish you HAPPY EASTER***

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